June 20, 2019 3 min read


old women sees the pilling of cashmere scarf

Have you ever purchased a beautiful new cashmere scarf and after a short period of time you start to notice these irritating fuzz balls appearing on it? It must be incredibly frustrating when your favorite new scarf no longer looks and feels new and beautiful.

cashmere scarf pilling Ovcio cashmere scarf

Cashmere is the softest and finest fleece under the layers of goats, and if you want it to last for years, you are going to need to take proper care for it. Even the highest quality cashmere can pill itself, but if you follow our guide, there are ways to prevent it and remove pilling once it has occurred.

So we ask ourselves, why does cashmere pilling occur?

Pilling occurs for various reasons and basically on any product that is made of cashmere, like a scarf, sweater or any other everyday product.

  • It can occur as a result of the fabric rubbing against itself on another surface. This is why you'll notice pilling it mostly between the areas where the scarf meets your neck, and where it is repeatedly rubbed against it.

  • Humidity and heat are also significant factors in pilling. When moisture and heat are applied, pills tend to grow faster. It seems quite accurate from our experience that more pilling occurs under the armpits, an area where there are more moisture and heat.

There are other various reasons why pilling occurs, but the most important thing you need to know is how to maintain and store the cashmere scarf?! So the real question is, can I remove the pilling of the cashmere?

The answer is YES YOU CAN!!!

hand washing cashmere scarfHow to Reduce Cashmere Pilling?

Here are some useful, everyday tips and tricks that will help you maintain the cashmere products:
Being careful when you wash the cashmere scarf is one of the crucial things. Washing inside out will reduce the rubbing while washing always use cold water (never hot) and try using a delicate shampoo, maybe even a baby shampoo. Never twist or curl after washing, and you must never put it in the dryer. You will ruin it instantly. Try gently washing it only with your hands every time. However, do not wash it so frequently like your other clothes.
Another thing that you can do, however strange it may seem, is to give your cashmere scarf a "rest" in between wears. When not being worn, the fibers in the fabric are able to bounce back to their original shape, helping them to be more resilient and in addition to that the pilling will reduce.

cashmere brushHow do I remove pilling from my cashmere products?

  1. If you find pilling on your sweater or scarf, do not try to pull it out. Use scissors to carefully cut it. However this has to be done carefully and adequately or otherwise, you will ruin the fabric.

  2. Get a cashmere comb. They are inexpensive and easy to use.

  3. Use lint remover and duck tape. Carefully go over your product with the lint remover, and then slowly collect the fuzz balls with the duck tape. It is fast and easy, and it will save you a lot of trouble.

I hope you will find our suggestions useful, and you will have once again the opportunity of wearing your favorite OvcioĀ 100% cashmere scarf, and feel the joy and pleasure of wearing it once more like it is brandĀ new again.